Earthing for Eczema and Psoriasis

Uncategorized Apr 16, 2021

It's time to get down to earth! The simple and straightforward truth is that we NEED earthing.

Since chronic inflammation is a major factor in eczema and psoriasis, earthing can be an amazing practice to add into your routine to get clear skin.

Earthing, or grounding as it is also called, is simply direct skin contact with the earth whether that's dirt, grass, sand, or even concrete especially if it's wet. This often means walking barefoot but could also be gardening directly in the ground with your bare hands.


Grab my free Ditch Itchy Skin guide and learn the 4 habits to start HEALING your eczema or psoriasis.

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Household Product Swaps for Eczema & Psoriasis

Uncategorized Apr 09, 2021

It's time to swap out your chemical filled cleaning products for non toxic solutions that will reduce eczema and psoriasis flares. 

Household cleaners are a HUGE contributor to the build up of toxins in our bodies. Our skin is the largest organ in the body and it plays a vital role in our detoxification process. 

So when we get a build up of these nasty chemicals that our body is trying to get rid of, it often comes out through the skin and that means eczema and psoriasis flares.


Grab my free Ditch Itchy Skin guide and learn the 4 habits to start HEALING your eczema or psoriasis.

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How to Make Kombucha + It's Benefits for Eczema & Psoriasis

Uncategorized Apr 02, 2021

Kombucha is easy to make and great for our gut health. I'll go over some benefits of drinking it first but be sure to watch until the end as I include a quick lesson on how to make it!

A lot of people these days are recognizing the benefits of probiotics for our gut health. It is important to maintain proper gut health because our microbiome makes up for many of our deficiencies - so if our gut health suffers, we suffer.

So, why is consuming probiotics important? Well, its provides beneficial bacteria that populate our gut with the right diversity of bacteria to protect against inflammation, aid digestive function, and support immunity.


Grab my free Ditch Itchy Skin guide and learn the 4 habits to start HEALING your eczema or psoriasis.

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Getting to the Root of Eczema and Psoriasis

Uncategorized Mar 26, 2021

Are you totally confused about how to find the root causes of your skin condition?

Well, there is definitely a step by step process and it can be a long and confusing process if you are doing it all on your own.

It took me about 5 years on my own....and I am guessing you don't want to be struggling with your eczema or psoriasis for another 5 years or more!


Grab my free Ditch Itchy Skin guide and learn the 4 habits to start HEALING your eczema or psoriasis.

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Benefits of SUNLIGHT for Eczema and Psoriasis

Uncategorized Mar 19, 2021

There are actually a few benefits to getting sunlight for skin condition sufferers. I talk about some benefits you may have heard of but also some benefits you may not have heard of.

You may have heard that sunlight exposure can help improve your eczema or psoriasis. The biggest benefit is that our bodies can create Vitamin D from the sunlight exposure.


Grab my free Ditch Itchy Skin guide and learn the 4 habits to start HEALING your eczema or psoriasis.

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The Importance of Food for Eczema and Psoriasis

Uncategorized Mar 12, 2021

Doctors say that food has nothing to do with your eczema or psoriasis, but they are wrong! Look, I totally get it, they are doctors so we just believe them. 

But did you know that to become a doctor, you must complete 4 years of undergraduate school, 4 years of medical school, and then 3 to 7 years as a resident. That means that they spend between 11 and 15 YEARS to become a doctor but only 8 HOURS of that education is in nutrition!

So you may be asking, what exactly is the importance of food? How can it help me get the clear skin I dream of?

Well it all has to do with one word – Microbiome.


Grab my free Ditch Itchy Skin guide and learn the 4 habits to start HEALING your eczema or psoriasis.

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The Emotional Impact of Eczema and Psoriasis

Uncategorized Mar 05, 2021

Feelings of embarrassment, being self-conscious, shame, frustration, depression, even suicidal thoughts are all things that come up for skin condition sufferers. And that is normal, but that doesn't mean we should just accept it. 

Life is not all cake and rainbows, everyone knows that. At one point or another we have all experienced sadness, frustration, embarrassment or depression. But that doesn't mean we are going to be stuck with this emotional impact.

No, this video is not just all life sucks. I am getting to a more positive point here! But I also recognize that we all struggle once in a while.


Grab my free Ditch Itchy Skin guide and learn the 4 habits to start HEALING your eczema or psoriasis.

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How Long to Clear Eczema or Psoriasis

Uncategorized Feb 26, 2021

Ok, so you realize your skin condition may be linked to what you are eating but you don't want to be stuck on some "restrictive diet" for the rest of your life!

Well then I have good news for you... check out this video to find out how long until your skin clears and how long you will have to avoid trigger foods.

You know by now that I say we are all unique, so it is important to keep in mind that everyone will have a different timeline depending on your unique situation.


Grab my free Ditch Itchy Skin guide and learn the 4 habits to start HEALING your eczema or psoriasis.

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Probiotics for Eczema and Psoriasis

Uncategorized Feb 19, 2021

Gut health is super important but that doesn't mean just taking a probiotic and calling it good. In this video, I share when you should start incorporating probiotics and what ones to take.

Probiotics are great IF (and that's a big if!) you incorporate them at the right stage of your skin healing process and if you pick the right one.

People tell me all the time that they took a probiotic to try and heal their gut as they heard that could help their skin condition but it didn't work. So therefore this whole gut health, proper diet, microbiome thing doesn't work.

But I have a question that I ask in this video about fish tanks that might get you thinking!


Grab my free Ditch Itchy Skin guide and learn the 4 habits to start HEALING your eczema or psoriasis.

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How To Lower Inflammation In The Body

Uncategorized Feb 12, 2021

It is whole body inflammation that is causing your eczema or psoriasis, so in this video I share the 4 steps to lower inflammation in the body.

It can be tough to navigate all of that on your own though.

I totally understand because I had eczema for 10 years and spent half of that time researching, learning and finding out everything I could for a natural solution.

Maybe you have had your skin condition for longer than I had. Or maybe you recently got it from all the stress of 2020, either way, now is the time to grab my free guide to start your journey to clear skin.

Just go to

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